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5 Ways to Boost Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake Every Day

5 Ways to Boost Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake Every Day

Hi all, hope you’re having a fantastic summer! During all your summer fun, increasing your F+V intake may not be at the forefront of your mind, but it can make all the difference in how you feel. Today, I’m sharing a few tips on how I incorporate more whole, fresh foods into my diet so you can too, and feel your best while enjoying the summer sunshine. This doesn’t have to be a complete diet overhaul – just a few mindful ways to increase the nutrition in your life and boost your micro nutrient, fiber, and antioxidant intake to keep your body feeling fresh and balanced. 



+ Green Smoothies – I love smoothies because they are such a delicious way to pack in a ton of nutrients/fiber/ hydration in the morning and set the day up for success. I always recommend adding greens (especially spinach) to smoothies to boost the nutrition even more by increasing the fiber, as well as providing folate, iron, vitamin K and tons of antioxidants. Spinach is the best green to add in my opinion as it doesn’t contribute to taste or cause any grittiness. Always go with organic with fresh leafy greens. If you’re not a fan of green smoothies, try steaming and freezing cauliflower florets to add to smoothies for a color-less, cruceriferous (tongue twister for ya) boost of vitamin C, fiber, anti-carcinogens and antioxidants. If you’re new to smoothies, try this Ravishing Red Smoothie Bowl to get you started!


+ Prep ’em and Store ’em – After food shopping, I recommend chopping your vegetables into snack size pieces or washing fruit and leaving in a bowl in the fridge, such as a big bowl of cherries or cucumber slices ready to go for when hunger strikes. This makes us less likely to reach for other ready-to-eat snacks such as chips or crackers in the pantry. You’ll then have some beautiful veggies and fruits ready to grab for work meals and snacks or beach trips and hikes. 



+ Make lunch while you cook dinner – This is one of my favorite tips, because it really helps to kill two birds with one stone while dinner’s cooking and the cutting board is already in use. Instead of reserving the rest of those brussels sprouts or carrots uncooked, roast the whole bunch and save it for lunch the next day. I love to cook a bunch of quinoa, brown rice, or lentils and save them for lunches with salads/vegetables along with some avocado, hummus or tahini. This really helps solve the “What’s for lunch” dilemma, and ordering out almost guarantees more calories and less nutrition. Keep it interesting by trying a new vegetable each week. Lately I’ve been really into broccolini! (HELLO anti-cancer benefits!)


+ Balance Shots – Say what?! I’m always the one to promote whole, real foods, yet this supplement shot by Life Equals is just that! These balance shots are my recent favorite and are made up of a blend of real fruit and vegetables preserved with lemon and turmeric to boost your F+V intake in one swig! I love how it makes me feel with a natural burst of long lasting energy and keeps me feeling balanced. It’s a great SUPPLEMENT to your diet – aka should never be relied on as a sole source of F+V! Eat those plant foods too, man! P.S. If you use code VOOR50, you can receive 50% OFF a subscription purchase of the Balance shots! (Subscription can be cancelled at any time, if you want to try it once to test it out yourself!)  


+ Make your plate colorful –  The more F+V on our plates, the wider scope of colors we’ll see. More colors = higher amounts of antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are amazing for disease prevention, anti-aging, and help reduce the risk of chronic disease, obesity and cancer. Making a conscious effort each meal to add a fruit, vegetable, or both, has numerous benefits to our health, and help beat bloat and keep us hydrated in the summer months. When in doubt, fill that plate with natural color!




I hope this list helps to keep you feeling good all summer long by making a few simple changes in your life to boost your F+V intake. When it comes to food, knowledge is power and being your own advocate for your health is the best preventative measure you can take!



+ If you’re looking for more and want to work with a dietitian, contact me today and let’s work together towards your individual goals. The 5 Day Meal Plan is also available in the shop – download  today for a plant based meal plan equipped with a grocery list and meal prep plan!




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